


Freitag, 17. Feber

“It was only a year ago that Jay Donaldson started making music as Drop/Dead. In the time since he built a reputation for himself as one of the most exciting young producers in the UK´s booming club music scene, that isn´t really a scene and still takes a run-on sentence or two to define, existing as it does in the grey zone between 2-step and house and garage and techno and dubstep and R&B. More than just a confluence of genres, Drop/Dead´s music is defined by its depth and a dynamic approach to structure and melody.” (The Fader)

Full Line Up:

DROP/DEAD (Etiquette, UK)
externer link www.facebook.com/dropdeadrecords?ref=ts

MR. HO (Danceteria, Klasse Recordings, FM4 Unlimited)
externer link www.facebook.com/pages/Mr-Ho-Music-Page/151720814867143

SACHA ROBOTTI (Dirtybird/Klasse Recordings, Berlin)
externer link www.facebook.com/Sacha.Robotti.Music?ref=ts&sk=app_178091127385

KOE (Klub Sir3ene, RAW)
externer link www.soundcloud.com/koe

JAY SMOO (Interstellar Rain Entertainment)
externer link www.mixcloud.com/yannickdontpanic/

like us here:
externer link www.facebook.com/pages/Danceteria/263537553666140 

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