Aaron Roche / Loose Lips Sink Ships
Donnerstag, 29. MärzAaron Roche (USA)
Anti folk, experimental psych pop singer songwriter and composer Aaron Roche (NYC) has played touring guitar for Lower Dens, Sufjan Stevens and R Stevie Moore.
He has also been recording engineer for ANOHNI, Anna Roberts Gevalt and many others.
In the past he has performed in trumpet ensembles as well as composed award winning music for the American National Ballet. On top of all this, he has collaborated with Dawn of MIDI and YMusic in live special events.
With his second solo album ‘HahaHuhu’, he has revealed an intimate image of himself and his life, including struggles with mental pressure and hopelessness, laced with a laughing mania.
The way he has chosen to present these ideas is through the use of electronics, beautiful guitar playing and clever ambience manipulations.
Aaron´s live show uses elements from his transcendental signature sound, reconfigured for live guitar and vocals + processing. He performs as a duo with an accompaniment of drums & additional electronics / vocals.
Loose Lips Sink Ships (A)
Die Figur des/der Singer-SongwriterIn lud immer schon zu egozentrischem Exzess, Nabelschau und Selbstmitleid ein. Umso erfrischender, wenn eine ganze Blase von Singer-SongwriterInnen sich zu einem kopflosen Kollektiv zusammentut und so aus dem solipsistischsten aller Genres ein gemeinschaftliches Werk formt: Meaghan Burke (die letztes Jahr schon mit ihrem Cello im Wien Museum für viel Begeisterung sorgte), Werner Kitzmüller (siehe Project Space), Simon Usaty (von Protestant Work Ethic), Mimu Merz, David Schweighart (Tupolev etc.) und Matthias Frey (Sweet Sweet Moon) begleiten einander nicht bloß, sondern interpretieren gegenseitig die Songs der jeweils anderen. Wie der einem amerikanischen Propaganda-Plakat aus dem Zweiten Weltkrieg entnommene Name des Kollektivs nahe legt, besteht dabei reichlich Raum für spontane Lockerheit. (Popfest.at)