
zur wanne

DELTA PUNK / FS Massaker

Wednesday, 27. June


Zolle (ITA)

Zolle are a Heavy Rock Guitar and Drums duo, they play powerful, heavy, direct, positive. Sometimes negative.

“Infesta” is their third album, recorded by Giulio Ragno Favero (Il Teatro degli Orrori, OvO, MoRkObOt) at Lignum studio, mastered at Eleven Mastering by Andrea Bernie De Bernardi and played with an aluminium guitar and copper drums.

Artwork by EEviac artworks and berlikete.

Only those who know the ease of a cow while defecating can understand the genesis of the songs of Zolle.
Children of a natural path, direct, compact, subject to the force of gravity.

Impact safe with warm soul that does not end in the fall to the ground.

zòlla (o zòlla) s. f. [dal longob. *zolla, ted. medio zolle «massa compatta» (di sterco)].

externer link www.zolle.bandcamp.com

FS Massaker

Impro-Geprügel für die ganze Familie unter dem Motto “Hauptsache laut”. Musiziert wird mit Saxophon, Schlagzeug und toten Meerschweinchen. Klingt wie Jesus beim Randalieren im Tempel, wenn nebenan ein Massenauffahrunfall passiert und ein Clown besoffen vom Baum fällt.

externer link www.fsmassaker.bandcamp.com

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