


Mittwoch, 28. März


tricsson pendeln im Spannungsfeld elektronischer Backgrounds zwischen melancholisch energetischen und ausgelassendepressiven Stimmungen. Welche letzten Endes die Überhand gewinnt bleibt offen.

Werner Leiner (Bass, Sequencer)
Kathrin Stiedl (Gesang, Lyrics)
Daniel Pabst (Gitarre)

Neues Vinyl Album:externer link www.tricsson.net/new-album-2
Vinyl order via e-mail: info@tricsson.net

externer link www.youtu.be/Ql-SHkgKV3w

externer link www.tricsson.net

Pete Matthews externer link www.feastofmusic.com ) about the tricsson gig at rhiz, 29.12.2011:

“Onstage was local band Tricsson, playing an intoxicating, melancholy mashup of trip hop and downbeat jazz; when I arrived, they were in the middle of the slowest, most transfixing rendition of Cole Porter’s “Under My Skin” I’ve ever heard. Vocalist Kathi Steidl - who sang in English - was like a cross between Portishead’s Beth Gibbons and Marianne Faithfull, her low, sultry voice hovering just over Daniel Pabst’s intricate, experimental guitar. Werner Leiner, who looked like a 19th century nobleman with his drooping mustache, switched back and forth between upright and electric bass while drummer Uwe Rostek unleashed all kinds of off-kilter beats.”

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